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software mempercepat modem / buat Memaksimalkan Koneksi Modem

Kamis, 09 Februari 20121komentar

before ==>  After ==> 

NetScream Modifications :

* Modem MTU Transmission rates
* Memory allocation to modem
* Modification to network bandwidth allowance
* Increasing HTTP request limit
* DNS lookup optimization
* Modification to TTL setting
* Optimization of TCP/IP standard settings
* Modification to socket layer connections
* and much more…

System Requirements :

* Microsoft Windows 2000, 2003, 95, 98, Me, NT 4, Vista, XP, windows 7
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or higher
* Intel Pentium 90 MHz or higher
* 8 Mb RAM (32 Mb recommended)
* 5 Mb hard disk space
* VGA or higher resolution monitor
* Mouse or other pointing device

NetScream full + path + Serial Number + Instructions

Cara Install yg ane Sarankan
* Download Filenya di $shared Di sini
* Extract filenya
* Install file "Netscream.exe"
* Setelah terinstall launch NetScream 
* Matikan Koneksi Internet terlebih dahulu sebelum memasukkan Serial Number
* Buka buka file "Leame Importante.txt" (disana terdapat serial number dari specialwin)
* Nah sekarang saatnya memasukkan Serial Number... Cari tulisan "Click to enter Serial Number" d kotak dialog NetScream...
* Masukan serial number yg berada di notepad
* udah deh beres... NetScream anda udah berlisensi.

Name: Specialwin
Serial: 211059282446447652+6+429496

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Jumat, April 27, 2012 1:05:00 PM


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